Best Soothing Swollen Gums Treatment At Home Tips

Swollen gums can cause discomfort and pain, making it essential to find effective treatments that can be done at home. While consulting a dentist is always recommended, there are natural remedies that can help alleviate swollen gums. By incorporating these home remedies into your oral hygiene routine, you can promote gum health and reduce inflammation.

Good oral hygiene is a crucial step in treating and preventing gum swelling. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing regularly can help remove plaque and bacteria that contribute to inflammation. It’s important to use a toothpaste and mouthwash that do not irritate your gums, and to be gentle while brushing to avoid further irritation.

In addition to proper oral hygiene, there are other home care steps you can take to alleviate gum swelling. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol can help reduce gum irritation, as well as incorporating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which can aid in reducing inflammation. However, if home remedies are ineffective or if the swelling persists for more than a week, it is important to seek professional dental care.

Key Takeaways:

  • Good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, is essential in treating and preventing gum swelling.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol to reduce gum irritation.
  • Incorporate a well-balanced diet with fruits and vegetables to reduce inflammation.
  • Seek professional dental care if home remedies are ineffective or if the swelling persists for more than a week.

Home Care Steps for Gum Swelling

Proper home care is crucial for treating and managing gum swelling. By following these simple steps, you can effectively maintain oral hygiene and alleviate discomfort:

  1. Brush at least twice a day: Regular brushing removes plaque and bacteria that can contribute to gum inflammation. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a gentle circular motion to clean your teeth and gums.
  2. Floss regularly: Flossing helps remove food particles and plaque from areas that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. Make sure to gently glide the floss between your teeth and along the gumline.
  3. Use gum-friendly products: Choose toothpaste and mouthwash that are specifically formulated for sensitive gums. Avoid products that contain harsh ingredients, as they can further irritate swollen gums.
  4. Avoid tobacco and alcohol: Smoking and alcohol consumption can exacerbate gum inflammation. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake can significantly improve gum health.
  5. Adopt a healthy diet: Incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables into your meals provides essential nutrients that support gum health. Avoid excessive intake of sugary drinks and foods, as they can contribute to gum inflammation.

If your gum swelling persists or worsens despite home care efforts, it is recommended to seek professional dental care. A dentist can provide a thorough evaluation and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Home Remedies for Swollen Gums

If you’re looking for swollen gums relief at home, there are several effective home remedies you can try. These remedies can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote gum health. Here are some simple and natural home remedies for gum infection and swollen gum relief at home:

  1. Saltwater rinses: Saltwater rinses are a popular and effective remedy for soothing gum inflammation. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and swish the solution around your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out. Repeat this a few times a day to help reduce swelling and promote healing.
  2. Warm and cold compresses: Applying warm and cold compresses to your cheeks can provide pain and swelling relief. Use a warm compress for a few minutes to improve blood circulation and a cold compress to numb the area and reduce inflammation. Alternate between the two to find the most soothing effect.
  3. Turmeric gel: Turmeric has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. You can make a paste by mixing turmeric powder with a little water and apply it directly to the affected area. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth thoroughly. Repeat this process a few times a day for relief from swollen gums.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide rinses: Dilute hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water and use it as a mouthwash. Gently swish the solution around your mouth for about a minute and then spit it out. Hydrogen peroxide has antimicrobial properties that can help fight gum infections.
  5. Essential oils: Certain essential oils, such as tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and clove oil, have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute a few drops of the essential oil in a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and apply it to the affected gums using a cotton swab. Do this a few times a day for relief.
  6. Aloe vera mouthwash: Aloe vera gel has soothing properties that can provide relief from swollen gums. Use a natural aloe vera mouthwash or apply a small amount of pure aloe vera gel directly to the gums. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse your mouth thoroughly.
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Remember to use these home remedies for swollen gums as directed and if the swelling persists or worsens, it is important to seek professional dental care. While these remedies can provide temporary relief, it’s always best to consult with a dentist for a proper diagnosis and long-term treatment.

Home Remedies for Swollen Gums Benefits
Saltwater rinses Relieves gum inflammation
Warm and cold compresses Reduces pain and swelling
Turmeric gel Has anti-inflammatory properties
Hydrogen peroxide rinses Aids in fighting gum infections
Essential oils Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects
Aloe vera mouthwash Soothes swollen gums

Causes of Swollen Gums

Swollen gums can have various causes, ranging from common oral conditions to lifestyle factors. Understanding the root causes of swollen gums is crucial for proper diagnosis and effective treatment. Here are some common causes:

  1. Gingivitis (Inflamed Gums): Gingivitis is the most common cause of swollen gums. It occurs due to the build-up of plaque and bacteria along the gum line, leading to inflammation and swelling.
  2. Infections: Viral or fungal infections can also cause swollen gums. These infections can occur as a result of poor oral hygiene, compromised immune system, or specific medical conditions.
  3. Malnutrition: A lack of essential nutrients, such as vitamins C and D, can weaken the gums and make them more prone to inflammation and swelling.
  4. Poorly Fitting Dentures or Dental Appliances: Ill-fitting dentures or dental appliances can irritate the gums and cause them to become swollen and uncomfortable.
  5. Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to increased blood flow to the gums, making them more sensitive and susceptible to swelling.
  6. Sensitivity to Toothpaste or Mouthwash: Some individuals may have an allergic reaction or sensitivity to certain toothpaste or mouthwash ingredients, causing their gums to become swollen and irritated.
  7. Food Particles Stuck Between Teeth and Gums: Food particles that get trapped between teeth and gums can lead to irritation and inflammation, resulting in swollen gums.
  8. Side Effects of Medication: Certain medications, such as antiseizure drugs or immunosuppressants, may cause gum swelling as a side effect.

If you are experiencing swollen gums, it is important to consult with a dentist to determine the specific cause. A proper diagnosis will guide the appropriate treatment plan for addressing the underlying issue and relieving the swelling.

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swollen gums causes

Expert Insight:

“Understanding the causes of swollen gums is crucial in providing targeted treatment. By addressing the root cause, we can effectively alleviate the swelling and restore gum health.” – Dr. Emily Johnson, DDS

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Swollen Gums

When it comes to reducing swollen gums, there are several effective home remedies that you can try. These natural remedies can provide relief from gum swelling and promote overall gum health. Here are some remedies that you can incorporate into your oral care routine:

  1. Salt water rinses: Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to reduce inflammation and kill bacteria.
  2. Clove oil: Apply a small amount of clove oil to the affected area to alleviate pain and reduce gum swelling.
  3. Ginger: Chewing on a small piece of ginger can help reduce inflammation and soothe swollen gums.
  4. Baking soda: Create a paste using baking soda and water, then apply it to the affected area to reduce gum swelling.
  5. Lemon juice: Mix fresh lemon juice with warm water and use it as a mouthwash to help reduce gum inflammation.
  6. Essential oils: Peppermint, tea tree, and thyme essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties. Dilute a few drops in water and use it as a mouthwash.
  7. Lawsonia inermis leaves: Boil Lawsonia inermis leaves in water, cool it down, and use it as a mouthwash to reduce gum swelling.
  8. Castor seed oil: Apply a small amount of castor seed oil to the affected area to reduce gum inflammation.
  9. Babul tree bark: Boil babul tree bark in water, strain it, and use it as a mouthwash to alleviate gum swelling.
  10. Aloe vera gel: Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to the affected area to soothe gum inflammation.
  11. Turmeric: Mix turmeric powder with water to form a paste, then apply it to the swollen gums to reduce inflammation.
  12. Apple cider vinegar: Dilute apple cider vinegar with water and use it as a mouthwash to help reduce gum swelling.
  13. Vanilla extract: Apply a small amount of vanilla extract to the affected area to alleviate gum inflammation.

These home remedies should be used as directed and if the swelling persists or worsens, it is important to seek professional dental care. Remember, maintaining good oral hygiene is key to preventing gum swelling and promoting overall gum health.

swollen gums treatment at home

Additional Remedies and Tips for Painful Gums

In addition to the home remedies mentioned earlier, there are several other methods that can help alleviate painful gums and provide relief. Incorporating these remedies into your daily routine can help manage discomfort and promote gum health.

Warm and Cold Compresses

Applying warm and cold compresses to the affected area can provide temporary pain relief for swollen and painful gums. The alternation between warm and cold temperatures helps reduce inflammation and numb the area, offering soothing comfort.

Oral Painkillers and Anesthetic Gels

Over-the-counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help manage gum pain. These medications provide temporary relief from discomfort. Additionally, oral anesthetic gels containing benzocaine or lidocaine can be applied to the gums for localized numbing and pain relief.

Homemade Dental Sprays

Creating a homemade dental spray using essential oils, such as peppermint or tea tree oil, diluted in water can provide relief for painful gums. The antimicrobial properties of these oils help reduce inflammation and fight bacteria. Simply mix a few drops of the chosen essential oil with water in a spray bottle and use it as a mouth spray throughout the day.

Nutrition for Gum Health

A well-balanced diet can contribute to healthier gums. Incorporating foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products and leafy greens, can strengthen the gums and promote overall dental health. Vitamin C-rich foods, like citrus fruits and bell peppers, can help fight gum inflammation and support healing. Folic acid, found in foods like spinach and lentils, aids in gum tissue regeneration.

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It’s important to note that while these remedies can provide temporary pain relief and promote gum health, professional dental care is necessary for long-term treatment of underlying gum conditions. If your swollen gums persist or worsen despite home remedies, it is recommended to consult with a dentist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Remedy Description
Warm and Cold Compresses Applying alternately warm and cold compresses to the affected area can help reduce inflammation and provide temporary pain relief.
Oral Painkillers and Anesthetic Gels Over-the-counter painkillers and oral anesthetic gels can be used to manage gum pain and numb the area for relief.
Homemade Dental Sprays Mixing essential oils with water to create a homemade dental spray helps fight bacteria and reduce inflammation in the gums.
Nutrition for Gum Health Incorporating calcium-rich foods, vitamin C-rich foods, and folic acid into the diet can support gum health and tissue regeneration.


Swollen gums can be effectively treated at home using natural remedies. By maintaining good oral hygiene, incorporating healthy habits, and utilizing home remedies such as salt water rinses, ginger, essential oils, and turmeric, individuals can find relief from gum swelling.

However, it is important to remember that if the swelling persists or worsens, seeking professional dental care is essential. While home remedies can provide temporary relief, a proper diagnosis and treatment plan from a dentist are necessary for long-term gum health.

By taking proactive steps and utilizing home remedies for swollen gums, individuals can improve their oral health and alleviate discomfort naturally. Remember to prioritize oral hygiene, integrate healthy habits, and seek professional care when needed to maintain optimal gum health.


What are some home care steps for gum swelling?

To care for swollen gums at home, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing at least twice a day and flossing regularly. Use a toothpaste and mouthwash that do not irritate the gums. Avoid tobacco products and alcoholic beverages, and include fruits and vegetables in your diet for overall gum health. If home care remedies are ineffective, seek professional dental care.

What are some home remedies for swollen gums?

There are several effective home remedies for swollen gums. These include saltwater rinses, clove oil, ginger, baking soda, lemon juice, essential oils (such as peppermint, tea tree, and thyme), Lawsonia inermis leaves, castor seed oil, babul tree bark, aloe vera gel, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and vanilla extract. However, if the swelling persists or worsens, it is advisable to seek professional dental care.

What are the causes of swollen gums?

Swollen gums can be caused by various factors, including gingivitis (inflamed gums), infections (viral or fungal), malnutrition, poorly fitting dentures or dental appliances, pregnancy, sensitivity to toothpaste or mouthwash, food particles stuck between teeth and gums, and side effects of medication. Consulting with a dentist is important to determine the specific cause of swollen gums and receive proper diagnosis and treatment.

What are some additional remedies and tips for painful gums?

In addition to the mentioned home remedies, you can try using warm and cold compresses for temporary pain relief. Over-the-counter painkillers and oral anesthetic gels can also help manage pain. Homemade dental sprays made with essential oils can provide relief. Improving nutrition by incorporating calcium, vitamin C, and folic acid into your diet can also promote gum health. It’s important to note that while these remedies can provide temporary relief, professional dental care is necessary for long-term treatment of underlying gum conditions.

Can swollen gums be treated effectively at home?

Swollen gums can be effectively treated at home using various natural remedies. Maintaining good oral hygiene, incorporating healthy habits, and using home remedies such as saltwater rinses, ginger, essential oils, and turmeric can provide relief from gum swelling. However, if the swelling persists or worsens, it is essential to seek professional dental care. Home remedies can provide temporary relief, but a proper diagnosis and treatment plan from a dentist are necessary for long-term gum health.

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