10 Life-Saving Newborn Upset Stomach Remedies Every Parent Must Know!

As a parent, it is crucial to understand the causes of newborn upset stomach and be equipped with the knowledge to provide relief. The discomfort can range from gas and bloating to constipation and diarrhea. Knowing the right remedies and techniques can make a significant difference in your baby’s digestive comfort.

Gas is a common issue in newborns, and it can cause excessive fussiness, leg-pulling, and bloating. Understanding the different types of bowel movements and their consistency is also essential. Breastfed babies may have varying bowel movement frequencies, while constipation is indicated by hard, dry, and painful-to-pass stools. Diarrhea can signal a viral infection or an issue with nutrient absorption. It is important to be aware of these symptoms and take appropriate action.

In this article, we will explore ten life-saving newborn upset stomach remedies that every parent should know. From natural remedies and holistic solutions to specific techniques for gas relief and colic relief, we will cover a range of options to help soothe your baby’s tummy troubles.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the different causes of newborn upset stomach can help you provide the right relief.
  • Gas is a common issue, and recognizing the symptoms is crucial for effective treatment.
  • Knowing the normal range of bowel movement consistency can help identify potential issues.
  • Positioning techniques, warm baths, and gentle exercises can provide relief for your baby’s upset stomach.
  • Proper feeding techniques, including slower feedings and burping, can prevent gas buildup.

Warmth and Massage

Providing warmth to a baby can help relax their body and provide relief to a tense and cramped stomach. This can be achieved by wrapping the baby in a blanket or by cuddling up with them to share body heat. A warm bath can also help soothe the baby’s tummy and promote relaxation.

Massaging the baby’s tummy in a circular motion, clockwise, using baby oil can help relieve pain and pressure in their gastrointestinal tract. This gentle massage technique improves blood circulation in the stomach, aiding in digestion and calming colic. It is important to use a light touch and pay attention to the baby’s cues during the massage.

“Massage is a wonderful way to bond with your baby and provide soothing relief for their digestive discomfort. Just remember to be gentle and responsive to your baby’s needs.”

In addition to massage, there are other techniques that can help relieve gas and promote healthy digestion. Bicycling the baby’s legs in a gentle motion can aid in relieving trapped gas. Placing the baby on their tummy for short periods can also encourage natural bowel movements. It is important to always supervise the baby during tummy time to ensure their safety.

Benefits of Warmth and Massage:

  • Promotes relaxation and relief from tense stomach muscles
  • Improves blood circulation in the stomach
  • Calms colic and promotes better digestion
  • Aids in relieving gas and promotes healthy bowel movements
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Technique Benefits
Warm blanket or cuddling Provides warmth and relaxation
Warm bath Soothes the baby’s tummy
Gentle tummy massage Relieves pain and pressure in the gastrointestinal tract
Bicycling the baby’s legs Aids in relieving trapped gas
Tummy time Promotes natural bowel movements

Positioning and Feeding Techniques

Different positioning techniques can help alleviate stomach discomfort in babies. By holding the baby in positions such as the football hold or nestled on the chest, you can apply gentle pressure on their stomach, providing relief and promoting digestion. This positioning technique also helps keep the baby warm, creating a soothing environment. Additionally, rhythmic movements can have a calming effect on the baby’s tummy. Whether it’s using a baby swing or going for a short drive in the car, the motion can help ease stomach discomfort.

When it comes to feeding techniques, there are several strategies to prevent gas and discomfort. Slowing down the feeding process and giving your baby shorter feeding sessions can reduce the amount of air they swallow, minimizing gas buildup. Breastfeeding mothers should be mindful of their diet and avoid foods that can cause bloating and gas in their babies. A proper latch is crucial for effective feeding, as it helps the baby consume milk efficiently and reduces the intake of air. Burping the baby after each feeding is essential to expel any trapped air and prevent gas.


If your baby is formula-fed and experiencing tummy troubles, it may be worth trying different formulas. Some babies may react differently to certain ingredients, and finding the right formula can make a significant difference in their comfort and digestion.

Positioning Techniques:

Here are some positioning techniques that can help alleviate baby’s stomach discomfort:

  • Football hold: Position the baby’s body with their tummy against your forearm, and their head supported by your hand.
  • Nestled on the chest: Place the baby in an upright position on your chest, allowing gentle pressure on their tummy.

Feeding Techniques:

Here are some feeding techniques to prevent gas and promote digestion:

  • Slow down the feeding process: Give the baby shorter and more frequent feedings to reduce the amount of air swallowed.
  • Avoid gassy foods: Breastfeeding mothers should avoid foods that can cause gas or bloating in their baby, such as broccoli, cabbage, and beans.
  • Proper latch: Ensure a correct latch during breastfeeding to minimize air intake.
  • Burp the baby: Gently burp the baby after each feeding to release any trapped air in their stomach.
Positioning Techniques Feeding Techniques
Football hold Slow down the feeding process
Nestled on the chest Avoid gassy foods
Proper latch
Burp the baby

Medical Attention and Home Remedies

If home remedies do not provide sufficient relief or if the baby’s symptoms persist or worsen, seeking medical attention is recommended. A doctor can diagnose and provide appropriate treatment for underlying conditions. For stomach viruses, such as norovirus or rotavirus, maintaining hydration is crucial. Babies should be offered plenty of fluids, and if they are old enough, soup can be given to replenish lost nutrients.

Medications like Mylicon or Tummy Calm drops may help relieve indigestion and stomach pain with a doctor’s approval. If severe dehydration or other concerning symptoms are present, immediate medical attention is required.

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safe newborn upset stomach remedies

Common Medications for Baby’s Upset Stomach Relief

Medication Usage Possible Side Effects
Mylicon May help relieve gas and bloating Drowsiness
Tummy Calm drops Alleviates indigestion and stomach pain None reported

It is important to note that medications should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional and in accordance with the recommended dosage. Always consult with a doctor before administering any medication to ensure safety and suitability for the baby’s individual needs.

Gripe Water and Alternatives

Gripe water is a popular choice for parents looking for colic remedies for babies or holistic solutions for infant stomach upset. It is an over-the-counter liquid supplement that often contains sodium bicarbonate and a blend of herbs like fennel, ginger, chamomile, dill, lemon balm, or peppermint. Gripe water is commonly used to relieve symptoms such as gas pains, stomach problems, teething pain, and hiccups in babies.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of gripe water is not fully supported by scientific evidence. While many parents swear by its benefits, there is limited research to validate its claims.

Furthermore, it is crucial to be cautious when choosing gripe water products. Gripe water made with alcohol is considered unsafe and should be avoided. Additionally, some gripe water formulas may contain unsafe or untested ingredients, so it is essential to carefully read the labels and consult with a pediatrician before using any gripe water product.

When considering gripe water or any alternative remedy, it is recommended to discuss the specific brand, ingredients, dosing, and duration of use with a healthcare provider. They can provide personalized advice based on the baby’s individual needs and medical history.

While gripe water is a well-known option, there are alternatives available for parents seeking natural remedies for baby tummy troubles. One common alternative is baby gas drops containing simethicone. These drops work by breaking down large gas bubbles in the stomach, providing relief for baby’s discomfort. Pediatricians may recommend these drops as a safe and effective option for relieving gas and colic symptoms in infants.

holistic solutions for infant stomach upset

In summary, gripe water can be considered as a potential remedy for infant stomach upset, but its effectiveness is not well-established. Safety precautions should be taken, and consultation with a healthcare professional is advised. Baby gas drops containing simethicone are a proven alternative that may be recommended by pediatricians. Ultimately, parents should prioritize the health and well-being of their babies and seek professional guidance for the most suitable and safe remedies.

Safety and Usage Guidelines

Gripe water is a popular remedy for soothing a baby’s upset stomach, but it’s important to understand the safety and proper usage guidelines. The effectiveness and safety of gripe water can vary depending on the specific brand and ingredients. When considering the use of gripe water, it is essential to consult with a doctor to ensure that it is safe for your newborn.

“The safety of gripe water, especially for newborns, depends on the specific brand and ingredients.”

Gripe water should be used as a backup option when other natural remedies for baby tummy troubles and infant gas relief techniques have not provided sufficient relief. It should not be given in large quantities or used as a dietary substitute.

While the side effects of gripe water are generally mild, drowsiness can occur. However, it is important to note that the baby’s tiredness is often a result of crying rather than the gripe water itself. Allergic reactions are possible, so it is crucial to monitor for any symptoms such as rash, difficulty breathing, or swelling, and seek medical attention if necessary.

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“Gripe water should be discontinued as the baby grows older, typically by 4-6 months when gassiness becomes less of an issue.”

It is important to follow proper usage guidelines and never exceed the recommended dosage. Always read the instructions provided by the manufacturer and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or questions.

Summary of Safety and Usage Guidelines:

Guideline Description
Consult with a Doctor Ask your doctor for a recommendation and ensure that the gripe water is safe for your newborn.
Use as a Backup Option Gripe water should be used when other natural remedies have not provided sufficient relief.
Avoid Large Quantities Do not give gripe water in large quantities or use it as a dietary substitute.
Monitor for Side Effects Watch for drowsiness or signs of allergic reactions and seek medical attention if necessary.
Discontinue as the Baby Grows Stop using gripe water as the baby gets older, typically between 4-6 months when gassiness becomes less of an issue.


Understanding the causes and remedies for newborn upset stomach is crucial for parents. When faced with a fussy baby, there are various soothing remedies for newborn digestive issues that can bring relief. One effective approach is to provide warmth and massage the baby’s tummy gently. This can help relax their body and alleviate discomfort. Another valuable strategy is to try different positioning and feeding techniques to prevent gas buildup and promote easier digestion.

While home remedies can often provide relief, it is important to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen. A healthcare professional can diagnose any underlying conditions and provide appropriate treatment. In some cases, using gripe water can offer temporary relief from colic, but it is crucial to follow safety and usage guidelines, consulting with a pediatrician before starting any new remedy.

In the journey to find the most suitable remedies for baby tummy troubles, consulting with a pediatrician is essential. They can provide personalized advice and recommendations tailored to the baby’s specific needs. With proper care and attention, parents can find effective solutions to soothe their baby’s upset stomach and promote digestive comfort, ensuring the little one can thrive and grow happily.


What are some natural remedies for baby tummy troubles?

Providing warmth, massaging the baby’s tummy in a circular motion, and trying different positioning techniques can help soothe a baby’s upset stomach.

How can I relieve gas in my newborn?

Gentle exercises like bicycling the baby’s legs, laying them on their tummy, and holding them in positions that put pressure on their stomach can help relieve gas.

What are some colic remedies for babies?

Changing feeding techniques, such as slower feedings and shorter periods between feedings, and trying different formulas can help alleviate colic in babies.

When should I seek medical attention for my baby’s upset stomach?

If home remedies do not provide relief or if the baby’s symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended to seek medical attention from a doctor.

What is gripe water, and is it safe for newborns?

Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement used to relieve gas pains and stomach problems. Its safety depends on the specific brand and ingredients, and it is important to consult with a pediatrician before using it for newborns.

Are there alternatives to gripe water for relieving gas in babies?

Yes, baby gas drops containing simethicone may be recommended by pediatricians as an alternative to gripe water for relieving gas in babies.

What are the safety and usage guidelines for gripe water?

Gripe water should be used as a backup method when other gas relief methods have not provided sufficient relief. It should never be given in large quantities or used as a dietary substitute. It is important to monitor for side effects or allergic reactions and discontinue its use as the baby grows older.

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