Step-by-Step Guide on How to Become a Naturopathic Doctor in 2024

Naturopathy is a popular field in the medical domain that uses natural remedies and scientific techniques to address the body’s discomfort level. This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at how to become a naturopathic doctor, including information on education, training, and certification requirements.

Key Takeaways:

  • Attending an accredited naturopathic medical school is a crucial step in becoming a naturopathic doctor.
  • Completing a bachelor’s degree and specific pre-medical coursework are typically required for admission into naturopathic medicine programs.
  • After medical school, aspiring naturopathic doctors must pass the NPLEX exam to obtain a license.
  • Career opportunities for naturopathic doctors include private practice, hospitals, and other healthcare settings.
  • The salary of naturopathic doctors can vary based on factors such as experience, specialization, and location.

What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

Naturopathic doctors, also known as naturopathic physicians, are graduates of accredited naturopathic schools who specialize in using natural remedies and scientific techniques to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases. They focus on the body’s innate healing powers and employ methods like diet-based therapy, herbalism, and homeopathy.

Naturopathic medicine is a comprehensive approach that combines traditional healing practices with modern scientific knowledge. Naturopathic doctors treat patients holistically, considering the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of their well-being. They aim to address the underlying causes of illness rather than simply treating symptoms.

With a focus on prevention, naturopathic doctors educate their patients about healthy lifestyle choices, nutrition, and stress management. They prioritize the use of natural remedies, such as medicinal herbs, nutritional supplements, and physical therapies, while also leveraging the benefits of conventional medicine when necessary.

“Naturopathic doctors specialize in treating the whole person, viewing the body as an interconnected system that strives to maintain balance and optimal health.”

Naturopathic doctors undergo rigorous training in accredited naturopathic medical schools. Their education encompasses coursework in basic sciences, clinical diagnostic skills, therapeutic techniques, and extensive clinical experience. Upon graduation, they must pass the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination (NPLEX) to become licensed practitioners.

Naturopathic Doctor Conventional Doctor
Focuses on natural remedies and holistic approaches Relies on pharmaceuticals and surgical interventions
Places emphasis on prevention and addressing underlying causes of illness Treats symptoms and diseases as they arise
Views the body as an interconnected system Focuses on specific body systems or specialties
Educates patients on healthy lifestyle choices and self-care Prescribes medications or procedures

Naturopathic doctors play a vital role in the healthcare system, offering an alternative approach for individuals seeking comprehensive and holistic care. They work in various settings, including private practices, integrative healthcare clinics, wellness centers, and hospitals, collaborating with other healthcare professionals to ensure the best outcomes for their patients.

Benefits of Naturopathic Medicine

  • Focuses on treating the underlying causes of illness
  • Empowers patients to take an active role in their healthcare
  • Uses natural remedies with fewer side effects
  • Emphasizes preventive care and overall well-being
  • Provides personalized treatment plans tailored to individual patients

By combining natural remedies, scientific techniques, and a holistic approach, naturopathic doctors strive to support the body’s natural healing abilities and help individuals achieve optimal health and wellness.


What Does a Naturopathic Doctor Do?

Naturopathic doctors, or naturopathic physicians, are skilled professionals who diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases using a combination of natural botanicals and conventional medicines. They go beyond assessing physical health and prioritize the patient’s spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being.

NDs treat a range of conditions, including asthma, diabetes, heart disease, chronic pain, and obesity, using customized medications and holistic approaches.

Treating the Whole Person

Naturopathic doctors focus on treating the whole person, rather than just the symptoms. They take into consideration the patient’s lifestyle, diet, and emotional well-being to create personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s needs.

“Naturopathic doctors prioritize the patient’s spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being.”

Prescribing Natural Botanicals and Conventional Medicines

One of the unique aspects of naturopathic medicine is the integration of natural botanicals and conventional medicines. Naturopathic doctors are trained in prescribing natural remedies such as herbal supplements, vitamins, and minerals, as well as conventional medications when necessary.

Collaboration with other Healthcare Professionals

Naturopathic doctors often work alongside other healthcare professionals, such as medical doctors, chiropractors, and acupuncturists, to provide comprehensive and integrated patient care. This interdisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment options.

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Promoting Preventive Care

In addition to treating existing conditions, naturopathic doctors place a strong emphasis on preventive care. They educate patients about healthy lifestyle choices, stress management, and disease prevention strategies to optimize long-term health and well-being.

Treatments Approach
Customized Herbal Medicine Naturopathic doctors prescribe natural remedies such as herbal medicines to support the body’s healing process.
Dietary and Nutritional Counseling NDs provide guidance on healthy eating habits and personalized nutritional plans to address specific health concerns.
Physical Medicine NDs use various physical therapies like massage, hydrotherapy, and therapeutic exercises to promote healing and relieve pain.
Lifestyle Modification Naturopathic doctors help patients make positive lifestyle changes to improve their overall well-being.
Conventional Medications When necessary, naturopathic doctors may prescribe conventional medications to complement natural treatment approaches.

Fundamental Practices of Naturopathic Medicine

In the field of naturopathic medicine, practitioners follow a set of fundamental practices that form the core values and principles of naturopathy. These practices guide naturopathic physicians in their approach to healthcare and emphasize the use of least invasive and natural therapies to promote healing and well-being.

Six Core Values

Naturopathy is built upon six core values that shape the treatment philosophy and approach of naturopathic doctors:

  1. First, do no harm: Naturopathic physicians prioritize the safety and well-being of their patients, striving to use treatment methods that minimize any potential harm or side effects.
  2. Healing power of nature: Naturopathy recognizes the inherent ability of the body to heal itself. Practitioners focus on supporting and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes.
  3. Identifying and treating the causes: Rather than merely addressing symptoms, naturopathic doctors aim to identify and address the underlying causes of illness or imbalance in the body.
  4. Doctor as a teacher: Naturopathic physicians view themselves as educators who empower patients to take an active role in their own health and well-being. They provide information, guidance, and support to help patients make informed decisions.
  5. Treating the whole person: Naturopathic medicine takes a holistic approach, recognizing that individuals are complex beings with physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Treatment plans consider all these dimensions of health.
  6. Prevention: Naturopathic doctors prioritize preventive measures to promote long-term health and wellness. They work with patients to develop strategies that prevent illness and optimize overall well-being.

By adhering to these core values, naturopathic physicians strive to provide comprehensive and individualized care that addresses the root causes of health issues and supports the body’s natural healing processes.

“The six core values of naturopathic medicine guide practitioners in providing patient-centered care that emphasizes natural therapies and preventive approaches.”

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Naturopathic Core Value Description
First, do no harm Prioritizing patient safety and using least invasive therapies.
Healing power of nature Supporting and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes.
Identifying and treating the causes Addressing the underlying causes of illness or imbalance.
Doctor as a teacher Empowering patients to take an active role in their health.
Treating the whole person Considering all dimensions of health – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Prevention Promoting long-term health through preventive measures.

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Naturopathic Physicians Work

Naturopathic physicians play a crucial role as primary care health professionals, working alongside chiropractors, osteopathic doctors, and medical doctors to provide comprehensive and interdisciplinary medical care.

These board-certified naturopathic doctors specialize in various areas, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, and women’s health, allowing them to address a wide range of patient needs.

One of the key strengths of naturopathic physicians is their ability to collaborate effectively within a healthcare team. By working alongside other healthcare professionals, they can pool their knowledge and expertise, ensuring that patients receive premium patient care.

These healthcare professionals can be found working in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, private practices, and other healthcare facilities.

Naturopathic Physicians Work

Through their collaborative and patient-centered approach, naturopathic physicians contribute to an interdisciplinary medical practice that prioritizes holistic healthcare and the well-being of individuals.

Benefits of Naturopathic Physicians Roles in Healthcare
Naturopathic physicians provide personalized and holistic care, addressing the root causes of health issues and empowering patients to take control of their well-being. Naturopathic doctors act as primary care providers, offering a comprehensive range of services, including diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases.
They emphasize preventive care, guiding patients towards healthier lifestyles and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals to ensure patients receive integrated and coordinated care.
They use natural remedies and evidence-based therapies to support the body’s natural healing abilities. They work in interdisciplinary medical teams, contributing their expertise to optimize patient outcomes.

By incorporating naturopathic physicians into healthcare teams, patients benefit from a comprehensive approach that addresses their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

“Naturopathic physicians bring a unique perspective to the healthcare system, focusing on the whole person and treating the underlying causes of disease. Through collaboration and a holistic approach, they contribute to premium patient care and improved health outcomes.”

Collaborating for Better Health

Naturopathic doctors work closely with other healthcare professionals, recognizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in delivering optimal patient care.

By integrating their expertise and knowledge into a healthcare team, naturopathic physicians contribute to a well-rounded and holistic approach that promotes the overall well-being of patients.

  • They collaborate with medical doctors to ensure a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan.
  • They work alongside chiropractors and osteopathic doctors to address musculoskeletal issues and promote physical well-being.
  • They partner with nutritionists and dietitians to provide personalized dietary plans for improved health outcomes.
  • They collaborate with mental health professionals to address the emotional and psychological aspects of health.
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This interdisciplinary medical practice enhances patient outcomes by facilitating comprehensive and integrated care that takes into account the various dimensions of health.

In summary, naturopathic physicians are valuable members of healthcare teams, providing primary care and collaborating with other professionals to deliver premium patient care. Their expertise in natural remedies, holistic therapies, and their focus on treating the whole person contribute to an interdisciplinary medical practice that prioritizes the well-being of patients.

ND vs. MD

The training for naturopathic doctors (NDs) and medical doctors (MDs) differs in terms of focus and duration. NDs undergo naturopathic training, which includes pharmacology, Western care, and therapies, while MDs focus on conventional medical education. NDs take a holistic approach to patient care, addressing the underlying causes of illness. MDs often specialize in specific areas and are required to complete a residency, while NDs do not have a residency requirement.

How To Become A Naturopathic Doctor

Becoming a naturopathic doctor requires dedication, education, and meeting specific requirements. Here are the essential steps to follow in order to embark on a career as a naturopathic doctor:

  1. Earn a Relevant Bachelor’s Degree: Begin your journey by completing a bachelor’s degree in a field related to healthcare or science. This provides the foundation for advanced studies in naturopathic medicine.
  2. Complete a State-Approved Medical Degree: Enroll in an accredited naturopathic medical school and successfully complete the program. These programs typically last four years and combine rigorous coursework with clinical training to prepare you for practice.
  3. Meet Naturopathic Physician Education Requirements: Fulfill the educational requirements set by the naturopathic medical school, which include completing coursework in areas such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, and naturopathic philosophy.
  4. Pass the NPLEX Exam: NPLEX, the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examination, evaluates your knowledge and skills in various areas of naturopathic medicine. It consists of two parts: the biomedical science exam and the clinical science exam.
  5. Fulfill State Licensure Requirements: Each state has its own requirements for licensure as a naturopathic doctor. Make sure to research and fulfill the specific requirements of the state in which you intend to practice. These requirements may include additional exams, background checks, and documentation.

By following these steps, you can fulfill the necessary educational and licensure requirements to become a qualified naturopathic doctor. With your naturopathic medical degree and state licensure, you can embark on a rewarding career focused on natural remedies, holistic approaches, and helping patients achieve optimal health and wellness.

blockquote>Note: The path to becoming a naturopathic doctor requires commitment, hard work, and dedication. It is essential to thoroughly research the specific requirements and regulations in your chosen state to ensure you meet all prerequisites for practicing as a licensed naturopathic doctor.

Naturopathic Medical School Requirements

Attending an accredited naturopathic medical school is a crucial step in becoming a naturopathic doctor. These schools offer comprehensive education and training in naturopathic medicine, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in this field.

Students pursuing a naturopathic education will typically encounter a variety of coursework, covering subjects such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and treatment approaches. These courses provide a foundation of medical knowledge and prepare students for the clinical aspects of their training.

Clinical experience is a vital component of naturopathic medical education. It involves hands-on training where students work directly with patients under the guidance of experienced practitioners. This clinical exposure allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge in a real-world setting, gaining practical skills and developing confidence in their ability to provide naturopathic healthcare.

Completing an accredited naturopathic medical program ensures that students receive a quality education, meet industry standards, and are well-prepared for their future careers as naturopathic doctors.

Naturopathic Medical School Requirements Description
Attending an accredited program Choose a naturopathic medical school that is recognized and accredited by the relevant accrediting bodies. Accreditation ensures that the program meets certain quality standards and provides a comprehensive education in naturopathic medicine.
Coursework Complete coursework in various subjects, including anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, herbal medicine, nutrition, and other treatment approaches. These courses provide a solid foundation of medical knowledge and prepare students for clinical practice.
Clinical experience Gain hands-on experience by working directly with patients under the supervision of experienced naturopathic doctors. This practical training allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge, develop clinical skills, and gain confidence in providing naturopathic healthcare.

Finding an Accredited Naturopathic Medical School

When selecting a naturopathic medical school, it is essential to consider accreditation. Accreditation ensures that the program meets recognized standards of quality and provides a rigorous education in naturopathic medicine.

The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) is the accrediting body for naturopathic medical programs in the United States. It evaluates schools based on their curriculum, faculty qualifications, clinical training opportunities, and other essential factors.

By choosing an accredited naturopathic medical school, aspiring naturopathic doctors can be confident in the quality of their education and enhance their prospects for a successful career in this field.

how to become a naturopathic doctor

Licensing for a Naturopathic Doctor

After completing the necessary education and training, naturopathic doctors must obtain a license to practice. This involves passing the naturopathic physician licensing examination (NPLEX) and fulfilling specific licensure requirements set by each state.

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The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) play crucial roles in ensuring the credibility and standards of naturopathic doctors.

Licensing Process Requirements
Passing the NPLEX Exam Examination covering basic and clinical sciences, naturopathic principles, and diagnostic and therapeutic subjects
State Licensure Fulfilling specific licensure requirements set by each state, which may include additional exams, application procedures, and fees
Naturopathic Board Certification Optional certification offered by the American Board of Naturopathic Medicine (ABNM) to showcase specialized knowledge and skills in specific areas of naturopathic medicine

Obtaining a license and board certification demonstrates a naturopathic doctor’s competence and commitment to providing quality healthcare to their patients, while adhering to legal and professional standards set by governing bodies.

Naturopathic Doctor Careers

Naturopathic doctors have a wide range of career opportunities in various healthcare settings. As the demand for natural and holistic approaches to healthcare continues to grow, so do the employment prospects for naturopathic doctors. Here are some of the career paths available to those pursuing a career as a naturopathic doctor:

1. Private Practice

Many naturopathic doctors choose to establish their own private practices, providing personalized care and treatment plans to their patients. This allows them to have more control over their practice and create a supportive environment that aligns with their naturopathic philosophy.

2. Hospitals and Clinics

Naturopathic doctors can also work in hospitals and clinics alongside other healthcare professionals. They contribute to a multidisciplinary team, offering holistic care and natural remedies to patients. This collaborative approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive treatment that addresses their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

3. Universities and Research Institutions

Some naturopathic doctors choose to work in universities or research institutions, where they can engage in research and contribute to the advancement of naturopathic medicine. They may teach aspiring naturopathic doctors, conduct studies on natural remedies, or participate in clinical trials.

4. Integrative Health Centers

Integrative health centers are becoming increasingly popular as people seek a combination of conventional Western medicine and alternative therapies. Naturopathic doctors play a vital role in these centers, providing holistic care and collaborating with other healthcare professionals to develop comprehensive treatment plans.

5. Corporate Wellness Programs

As companies recognize the importance of employee well-being, they often hire naturopathic doctors to develop and implement corporate wellness programs. Naturopathic doctors can educate employees on healthy lifestyle choices, provide natural remedies for common health issues, and promote overall wellness within the workplace.

Salary expectations for naturopathic doctors can vary depending on factors such as experience, specialization, and geographic location. According to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, the median salary for a naturopathic doctor in the United States is around $75,000 per year. However, those with established private practices or specialized training may earn significantly higher salaries.

Overall, naturopathic doctor careers offer rewarding opportunities to make a positive impact on people’s health and well-being. Whether in private practice, healthcare settings, or other professional environments, naturopathic doctors play a crucial role in providing natural and holistic approaches to healthcare.


Becoming a naturopathic doctor is a fulfilling career path that allows individuals to make a difference in the field of holistic healthcare. Through the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, aspiring naturopathic doctors can navigate the education, training, and licensure requirements necessary to enter this profession.

As a naturopathic doctor, you will have the opportunity to practice natural remedies and holistic approaches, promoting optimal health and wellness for your patients. By addressing the root causes of illnesses and focusing on the whole person, you can provide comprehensive and personalized care.

With the growing demand for holistic healthcare, the career prospects for naturopathic doctors are promising. Whether you choose to start your own private practice or work in different healthcare settings, you can make a meaningful impact on the well-being of individuals and communities.

By embracing the principles of naturopathy and leveraging the healing power of nature, you can contribute to a more holistic and integrative approach to healthcare. Begin your journey today and become a naturopathic doctor, helping patients achieve optimal health through natural remedies and holistic care.


What is naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a field in the medical domain that uses natural remedies and scientific techniques to address the body’s discomfort level.

What is a naturopathic doctor?

A naturopathic doctor, also known as a naturopathic physician, is a graduate of an accredited naturopathic school who specializes in using natural remedies and scientific techniques to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases.

What does a naturopathic doctor do?

Naturopathic doctors focus on the body’s innate healing powers and employ methods like diet-based therapy, herbalism, and homeopathy to treat a range of conditions.

What are the fundamental practices of naturopathic medicine?

Naturopathic medicine follows six core values: first, do no harm; healing power of nature; identifying and treating the causes; doctor as a teacher; treating the whole person; and prevention.

Where do naturopathic physicians work?

Naturopathic doctors work as primary care health professionals and collaborate with other healthcare providers in hospitals, clinics, private practices, and other healthcare settings.

What are the differences between naturopathic doctors and medical doctors?

Naturopathic doctors undergo naturopathic training and take a holistic approach to patient care, while medical doctors focus on conventional medical education and often specialize in specific areas.

How can I become a naturopathic doctor?

To become a naturopathic doctor, you must earn a relevant bachelor’s degree, complete a state-approved medical degree, meet naturopathic physician education requirements, pass the NPLEX exam, and fulfill state licensure requirements.

What are the requirements for naturopathic medical school?

Naturopathic medical school requirements include attending an accredited program that provides a comprehensive education in naturopathic medicine, completing coursework in various subjects, and gaining clinical experience through hands-on training.

How do I obtain a license as a naturopathic doctor?

To obtain a license as a naturopathic doctor, you must pass the naturopathic physician licensing examination (NPLEX) and fulfill specific licensure requirements set by each state.

What career opportunities are available for naturopathic doctors?

Naturopathic doctors can work in private practice, hospitals, clinics, universities, and other healthcare settings, offering premium patient care.

What is the conclusion of becoming a naturopathic doctor?

Becoming a naturopathic doctor offers a rewarding career path in the field of holistic healthcare, allowing for the practice of natural remedies and holistic approaches to help patients achieve optimal health and wellness.

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